Kalimantan Utara Economy Quarter IV-2023: 4.94 Percent (C-to-C); 4.61 Percent (Y-on-Y); 2.41 Percent (Q-to-Q) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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Kalimantan Utara Economy Quarter IV-2023: 4.94 Percent (C-to-C); 4.61 Percent (Y-on-Y); 2.41 Percent (Q-to-Q)

Release Date : February 5, 2024
File Size : 4.55 MB


The economy of Kalimantan Utara in 2023, measured based on Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices, will reach IDR 147.28 trillion and GDP per capita will reach IDR 201.75 million.
  • Kalimantan Utara's economy in 2023 will grow by 4.94 percent. From the production side, growth was driven by growth in all categories of business fields, where the highest was achieved by the Electricity and Gas Procurement business field at 18.58 percent. In terms of expenditure, the highest growth was achieved by the Household Non-Profit Institution Expenditure Component (PK-LNPRT) at 9.99 percent.
  • Kalimantan Utara's economy in quarter IV-2023 versus quarter IV-2022 experienced growth of 4.61 percent (y-on-y). In terms of production, the highest growth was achieved by the Electricity and Gas Procurement business field at 21.02 percent. In terms of expenditure, the highest growth was achieved by the Household Non-Profit Institution Expenditure Component (PK-LNPRT) at 17.22 percent.
  • Kalimantan Utara's economy in quarter IV-2023 to quarter III-2023 experienced growth of 2.41 percent (q-to-q). In terms of production, the highest growth occurred in the Government Administration, Defense and Mandatory Social Security business fields at 9.56 percent. In terms of expenditure, the highest growth was achieved by the Government Consumption Expenditure Component which experienced growth of 14.21 percent.
  • Spatially, the economic structure of the Kalimantan Island region during 2023 will still be dominated by Kalimantan Timur Province at 48.38 percent and the smallest is Kalimantan Utara Province at 8.45 percent. Apart from having the largest role, the economic performance of Kalimantan Timur Province was recorded as having the highest growth of 6.22 percent, while Kalimantan Utara Province was in second place with growth of 4.94 percent (c-to-c).
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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