In December, the 2 cities combined (Tarakan City and Tanjung Selor City) experienced year on year (YoY) inflation of 2.44 percent, monthly inflation of 0.50 percent and calendar inflation of 2.44 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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In December, the 2 cities combined (Tarakan City and Tanjung Selor City) experienced year on year (YoY) inflation of 2.44 percent, monthly inflation of 0.50 percent and calendar inflation of 2.44 percent.

Release Date : January 2, 2024
File Size : 4.32 MB


Of the 90 national CPI monitoring cities, December 2023. The highest year on year (yoy) inflation was Sumenep City at 5.08 percent and Merauke City at 4.67 percent. Meanwhile, the cities that have the lowest annual inflation are Bandung City at 0.63 percent and Meulaboh City at 0.63 percent.
  • The combined prices of goods/services for Tarakan City and Tanjung Selor City in December 2023 experienced year on year (yoy) inflation of 2.44 percent with monthly inflation (mtm) of 0.50 percent. Tanjung Selor City experienced year on year (yoy) inflation of 2.38 percent with monthly inflation (mtm) of 0.62 percent. Tarakan City experienced year on year (yoy) inflation of 2.46 percent with monthly inflation (mtm) of 0.47 percent.
  • The combined monthly inflation (mtm) of Tarakan City and Tanjung Selor City was influenced by the food, beverage and tobacco group at 1.35 percent, the personal care and other services group at 1.15 percent, the transportation group at 0.03 percent, the information group, communications and financial services at 0.03 percent, food supply group
  • and drinks/restaurants at 0.02 percent, the health group at 0.00 percent, the recreation, sports and culture group at 0.00 percent, and the education group at 0.00 percent. Meanwhile, the groups experiencing deflation were the housing, water, electricity and household fuel group at 0.02 percent, the supplies, equipment and routine household maintenance group at 0.02 percent and the clothing and footwear group at 0.02 percent.
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