Regional Finance Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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Regional Finance Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2022

Catalog Number : 7203007.65
Publication Number : 65000.2364
ISSN/ISBN : 2830-2745
Release Date : October 17, 2023
File Size : 1.79 MB


The 2022 North Kalimantan Province Regional Financial Statistics Publication is an annual publication published by the North Kalimantan Province Central Statistics Agency. This publication contains a general overview of revenue sources and expenditure items for the North Kalimantan Provincial Government and Regency/City Governments throughout North Kalimantan Province. The data displayed in this publication is data on the Realization of Revenue and Expenditure Budgets for 2021 and 2022 for Provincial Governments and Regency/City Governments. The source of this financial statistical data is obtained from the Provincial Government and Regency/City Government. This data was collected based on the results of the Government Financial Statistics Survey conducted by the Regency/City Central Statistics Agency. Hopefully this publication can meet the needs of data consumers, especially data regarding regional finances.
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