Transportation Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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Transportation Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2020

Catalog Number : 8301007.65
Publication Number : 65000.2139
ISSN/ISBN : 978-623-7914-68-6
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : July 15, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.15 MB


Transportation Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2020 is the second edition publication that published by BPS-Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province. This publication provides various information on sea and river, air, and land transportation that can be used as an indicator to assess the development of the transportation sector in Kalimantan Utara Province. In this publication, basic data on the state of sea transportation transportation are presented, including data on loading and unloading of goods and ship visits for both domestic and foreign shipping. Furthermore, air transport statistics include aircraft traffic, passengers, goods, baggage and post/packages by airport of origin and destination. Then the land transport statistics include data on road length and road transport. This information is expected to help data users and policy makers, especially regarding transportation in Kalimantan Utara Province.
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