Gross Regional Domestic Product of Kalimantan Utara Province by Industry 2016-2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Kalimantan Utara Province by Industry 2016-2020

Catalog Number : 9302021.65
Publication Number : 65000.2112
Release Date : April 5, 2021
File Size : 5.65 MB


Publication of GROSS REGIONAL DOMESTIC PRODUCT OF KALIMANTAN UTARA PROVINCE BY INDUSTRY 2016 - 2020 is a regular publication, published by BPS-Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province. This publication provides an overview of the economic development of Kalimantan Utara Province descriptively. This publication was prepared by tables of GRDP in 2016 – 2020 at current prices and constant prices in 2010 in the form of nominal value and percentage.
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