Kalimantan Utara Province in Figures 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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Kalimantan Utara Province in Figures 2019

Catalog Number : 1102001.65
Publication Number : 65560.1902
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : August 16, 2019
Revision Date : January 23, 2020
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 10.74 MB


Kalimantan Utara Province in Figures 2019 is an annual publication written by BPS Kalimantan Utara Province. There are 14 chapters of this publication, namely geography and climate, government, population and employment, social and welfare, agriculture, forestry, livestock, and fishery, mining and energy, manufacturing industry, tourism, transportation and communication, prices, population expenditure, foreign trade, system of national account, and comparison between province.
The data that published in this publication are sourced from basic statistical data by BPS-Statistics Indonesia and sectoral statistical data from Regional Office/related institutions in Kalimantan Utara Province.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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