Regency/Municipality Population Projection Of Kalimantan Utara Province, 2015-2025 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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Regency/Municipality Population Projection Of Kalimantan Utara Province, 2015-2025

Catalog Number : 2101015.65
Publication Number : 64520.1806
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 31, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.3 MB


Projection of Regency/Municipality Population of Kalimantan Utara Province in 2015 - 2025 is a derivative of the population projection for the national and provincial levels which has been published earlier. To meet the needs of population data at the district / city level, this projection is prepared based on the results of the 2010 Population Census and the 2015 Intercensal Population Survey (SUPAS) which have been adjusted to the national and provincial projections. The method used utilizes the trend of population growth since 2010, where district / city data is available. Regency/Municipality Projection Publications are prepared for the period 2015-2025 with the aim of supporting planning at the district / city level in the present and future.
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