Welfare Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

|| At the moment, Kalimantan Utara Province in Figures 2023 is available and can be accessed here. || Infant Mortality Rate for the Province of North Kalimantan as a result of the Long Form SP2020 was recorded at 16.65 per 1,000 live births. For More Information clickhere ||

Welfare Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2016

Catalog Number : 4101002.65
Publication Number : 65520.1701
Release Date : April 25, 2017
File Size : 7.1 MB


Welfare Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2016 is a publication containing the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) survey data conducted annually. Susenas is designed to produce data containing socioeconomic information on population in education, health, housing, crime, socio-cultural, travel, and public perception about household welfare. The frequency of data collection Susenas in a year several times changed, since 2015, data collection Susenas conducted twice a year ie in March and September. The data in the publication of Welfare Statistics of Kalimantan Utara Province 2016 is the result of data collection of Susenas March 2016, ie from the Kor Susenas questionnaire (List VSEN2016.K), with coverage of all regency/ municipalities in Kalimantan Utara. This publication is presented as a percentage number sorted by regency. A number of data are presented to meet the needs of gender gap analysis.
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