BPS Kaltara Again Won several awards from the State Treasury Service Office - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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BPS Kaltara Again Won several awards from the State Treasury Service Office

BPS Kaltara Again Won several awards from the State Treasury Service Office

October 19, 2022 | Other Activities

Tanjung Selor (19/10) held an Socialization of Guidelines for the Implementation of State Revenue and Expenditures by the Tanjung Selor State Treasury Service Office, during which there was a session of Awarding Appreciation for the Performance of the Work Unit Scope of the Tanjung Selor KPPN for Fiscal Year 2022. On this occasion, the Central Bureau of Statistics North Kalimantan Province received several awards, including the FIRST BEST Work Unit in Submission of UAKPA Level Financial Reports for the 1st Semester of 2022, the BEST Work Unit in Digipay Implementation, and the SECOND BEST Work Unit in Submission of LPJ Treasurer for the 1st Semester of 2022.

The award was handed over directly by the Head of the Vera Section of the Tanjung Selor State Treasury Service Office, Mr. Rudy Rusanto. and accepted by Plt. Head of BPS for North Kalimantan Province, Mr. Slamet Romelan, SST, M.Sc.

"This award can be achieved of course for the support and active participation of all BPS employees of North Kalimantan Province." Said Mr. Slamet Romelan. For the achievements achieved in the middle of 2022, hopefully this will be a step for BPS North Kalimantan Province to be even better in the future.

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