Anti-Gratification and Anti-Corruption Socialization for BPS Employees in North Kalimantan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Utara Province

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Anti-Gratification and Anti-Corruption Socialization for BPS Employees in North Kalimantan

Anti-Gratification and Anti-Corruption Socialization for BPS Employees in North Kalimantan

September 1, 2022 | Other Activities

Bureaucratic reform is the first step to support government programs in structuring the organizational system. Through Bureaucratic Reform, BPS North Kalimantan Province hopes to serve the community more quickly, accurately, and professionally. Strategic steps in bureaucratic reform are carried out through the construction of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area/Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBK/WBBM). One of these efforts is realized through efforts to prevent and handle gratification and corruption from officials or employees within BPS in North Kalimantan. On Friday (26/08) BPS of North Kalimantan Province held an event entitled "Anti-Gratification and Anti-Corruption Socialization" with speakers Anjas Prasetyo, S.I.P, MPA. as Analyst for Corruption Restrictions at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), and moderated by Panca Oktianti, M.M (Statistical Expert Madya). This socialization is expected to provide an understanding for employees within BPS in North Kalimantan regarding the scope of gratuities that are prohibited or violate the law, how to report gratuities and gratification control programs. In general, gratification is the root of corruption. Through the control of gratuities, hopefully we will avoid and stay away from acts of corruption.
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